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About Us

Mission Statement


It is our mission to lead and inspire our team, to demonstrate integrity, dependability and to drive our fleet with dedicated passion and commitment.


Vision Statement


We will be a company of professionals that others will depend on to provide efficient, cost effective, and dependable transport services. We will achieve success and promote stability and growth for our employees while fulfilling our responsibilities to our customers.



DSW Freight Carriers has staffed professionals with the knowledge & experience to find the most efficient and cost-effective means to move products to the desired locations. DSW Freight Carriers has built a solid foundation by solving challenging issues and providing a high level of quality service, while maintaining extraordinary professionalism.


We continue to successfully maintain our quality service by hiring the best drivers & support staff who understand our vision and are dedicated to maintaining our customer-focused culture.


DSW Freight Carriers offers five-star Customer Service with a steady focus on customer satisfaction; this is what makes our company a highly dedicated transport provider.




“Our Service & Integrity Is The Difference”

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